Just for Fun

Brownie Morsels and Chocolate

World Chocolate Day or World Happiness Day?

World Chocolate Day is July 7. Fairytale Brownies Co-founder, Eileen Spitalny shares why she equates World Chocolate Day with happiness.

Summertime brownie

4 Summertime Fairytale Travel Tips

These summertime travel tips from Co-founder Eileen Spitalny will make your plans even sweeter.

Brownie Awards

Oscar-worthy Brownies: And the award goes to…

Oscar inspired awards for our star-worthy Fairytale Treats

Beat The Heat with Frozen Brownies

Ask 10 people how to beat the heat during the summer months and you might receive 10 different responses. Everyone has their own way to stay cool, whether it’s splashing in a body of water or chilling in an air-conditioned building. After all that summertime playing,...