Share the Love! 6 Reasons Why Charities are Important
Kindness is the gift that keeps giving. Even a small ripple of generosity can create a wave of impact on someone else’s life and happiness. And when you give, you’re gifted back in return!
Individual kindness is an incredible thing, and when like-minded individuals band together to create and support the same cause, we can accomplish the impossible.
So why are charities important? Why should people donate or volunteer?
The truth is, there is SO much to benefit from when you share your kindness with the world. You may even find you get more out of it than you gave!
“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.”
– Amelia Earhart

1. Charities Make the World a Better Place
It may be the most obvious reason why charities are important, but it’s true!
Charities make the world a better place. They help those in need, encourage us to be kind, and give us hope for a brighter future.
Countless individuals around the world selflessly give their time, money, and attention to nonprofits every day. They don’t expect anything in return. Their passion and generosity is inspiring, and we can all be part of that!

2. Nonprofits Give Awareness to Important, Overlooked Issues
Nonprofits are skilled at finding the individuals who have fallen through the cracks of society.
Over the years, many of these have grained incredible awareness and support. Topics like poverty, gender equality, racial equality, LGBT issues, public health—all these and more are common focus points for nonprofit organizations.
Intersectionality between these groups is just as important, and often overlooked. Individuals caught between multiple issues might feel like they don’t really belong anywhere.
Luckily, that’s again where charities can step in. Instead of a broad issue, some nonprofits focus on specific, more invisible groups that otherwise wouldn’t get any attention.
Without awareness, these forgotten, overlooked people can feel lost and alone. A helping hand that reaches out to say “I see you, and you matter to me” makes all the difference.

3. Working Together Builds Community
It’s easy to feel helpless and isolated in an overwhelming world. Sometimes you might ask yourself, “I’m just one person. What difference can I make?”
Charities are important for reminding us of the strength in community and teamwork. Every little piece adds up. Together, we can accomplish great things!
When communities rally around a common cause, it can fill you with strength and motivation. You’ll be swept up in the energy of the team and the excitement buzzing through the air. And the sweet joy of a shared victory—there’s no greater feeling!
There’s a sense of belonging when you’re part of something that’s larger than yourself. You are not alone.

4. Generosity Makes Us Happy and Hopeful
This reason why charities are important goes hand in hand with the last one. When you’re feeling helpless and afraid of an unsure future, the best medicine is to take action.
Contributing to a cause not only gives you a sense of community and inclusion, but also a flood of internal happiness.
You’re making a difference! You’re brightening the world and bringing a smile to someone’s life.
The data supports it, too. A variety of studies suggest that giving has positive impacts on health and happiness.
Whether you’re volunteering, donating, attending fundraising events, or spreading awareness, helping those in need will give you a sense of accomplishment and inner peace. The success of a beloved nonprofit gives us hope and optimism for the future.
Your footprint is making a difference. And that’s no small thing.

5. Volunteering Builds New Experiences
Charities aren’t always about donating money. Volunteering your time is a powerful way to help those in need, and a unique, memorable way to bond with friends or meet new people.
Looking for an adventure? Feeling stir-crazy or bored with your usual hangouts? Just want to try something new?
No matter your reason, volunteering can be something new and exciting that adds variety to your usual schedule. You can even invite friends and family and make an event out of it!
Fresh experiences build new memories and make our lives more exciting. You might even learn a new skill to list on your resume, or meet like-minded people that become life-long friends.
And if you can brighten someone’s day while you’re at it, even better!
Building with KABOOM!
Here at Fairytale Brownies, some of our favorite memories were forged during a company-wide day of volunteering fun.
Through out partnership with KABOOM!, Fairytale Brownies has sponsored two complete playground builds over the years. During our most recent build in 2017, we closed down the bakery, rolled up our sleeves, and built a playground in a single day!

6. Together, We Teach the Next Generation
When we lead by example, our kids notice.
At their roots, charities are about generosity, empathy, and compassion. When we teach children why charities are important, we nurture these traits in them and create hope for a brighter future.
Not only will kids grow up with a greater appreciation for what they have, they’ll also see a more nuanced view of the world. We all fall into difficult times, but when we’re kind to each other, we can make it through. It’s a valuable life lesson that they can carry with them forever.
Our Work with KABOOM!
The playground isn’t just for frivolous fun. It’s a time for exercise, socialization, creativity—and yes, it’s also a lot of fun!
Play isn’t just for kids, either. Adults benefit from some fun, too!
Play matters. And since our Fairytale Brownies founders, David and Eileen, met on the kindergarten playground, we’ve partnered with the nonprofit KABOOM! to contribute to a cause near and dear to our hearts.
Every child deserves a safe, exciting place to play. Working with volunteers and sponsors, KABOOM! builds playspaces for kids across the country to make that dream come true.
When you donate at checkout, Fairytale Brownies matches every dollar. We also hold an annual open house fundraiser and occasional other events to support KABOOM’s amazing work. Read more about our partnership with KABOOM!