We obsess over every part of the Fairytale Experience. Premium ingredients, expertly designed packaging, hand-packed gifts, and fast, free shipping. Each step contributes to what makes our gifts unforgettable.
But the truth is, the real magic happens in the baking process.
Each time we bake a Fairytale Treat we get to be equal parts creative and careful. There’s a lot of pressure to get every batch perfect, but it’s also a lot of fun to make something we know brings joy to people across the world.
The tradition of high-quality baking started even before we were an official business. More than 25 years ago, we laid the foundation for our baking process as a group of friends in a catering kitchen trying dozens of recipes to figure out how to make the absolute best brownie.

It was such an exciting time in our history, but we were still taking it very seriously — we wanted everything to be exceptional.
And after all this time, we still haven’t compromised on what it takes to create our famous, award-winning Fairytale Brownies. Although, we’re very lucky to have outgrown the group of friends in a test kitchen! Now we rely on our expert baking team with decades of experience to follow the precise process that ensures our treats come out perfectly delicious.
Every brownie starts with exact measurements of quality ingredients, which get weighed out by hand. Each batch of batter must be identical in order to maintain consistent taste and quality. We want every bite to taste the same for our loyal customers, no matter what.
After the ingredients are melted and mixed, we spread the batter onto our pans and garnish with one of our delicious toppings, all by hand.
Yep — even the beautiful cream cheese and raspberry swirl designs are done by hand! Our bakers are methodical and artistic. It’s magic, we’re telling you!

The icing on certain treat flavors used to be by hand, but those icing bags are heavy! To save our expert bakers from aching arms and shoulders, we decided to switch to an icing machine for the four flavors that are drizzled with icing. This is the only automated part of the treat-baking process.
Next, we throw them in the oven. Our ovens have been specially modified for baking brownies! While the treats bake, we have to carefully monitor each batch for temperature and humidity — not an easy thing to do in the Arizona desert.
And then the brownies are cooled, cut, and individually wrapped for freshness.
It’s fascinating to see each part of the process work together seamlessly. Whether our bakers are a team of 10 or a few dozen during the busy holiday season, everyone dedicates themselves to maintaining quality standards in every Fairytale Treat.
The result? Twelve delicious flavors of Fairytale Brownies, baked to perfection.
We’re proud of what they accomplish every day and we love that their hard work delivers joy to everyone who tries our brownies.